About Cubs
About Cubs
At golden Grove scouts children who decide to formally join Cubs will generally spend 6 weeks as a 'New Chum'. They will learn the basics about being a Cub before their investiture.
They then work through the Bronze, Silver and Gold Boomerang levels of activities and/or towards any achievement badges of interest at their own pace. Many of these badge activities are built in to the weekly programme so that everyone has a chance to earn a badge. Traditional activities such as knots and citizenship are balanced with fun activities such as crafts and games that foster team spirit and fair play.
The Pack is organised into subgroups - Sixes - with a 'Sixer' and 'Second' holding leadership roles.
A programme for the term (including the Duty Six, activity or theme for the week and any camps and District activities) will be circulated as soon as possible at the start of each term.
What Can I Do in Cub Scouts?
Enjoy bush walks
Learn water-safety skills
Orienteer and learn to read maps and compasses
Perform team activities and meet individual challenges
Go camping with your friends
Learn about First Aid
Play imaginative games
Be a part of exciting team relays
Perform in plays and skits
Show your creativity in art and craft sessions
Learn practical skills like knots and construction
Discover our environment
Join Golden Grove Cubs